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In-Person Locations
Burnaby, BC
Fun filled family day with walking / running, lunch, and entertainment
Burnaby Lake: (Sperling Ave / Thomas Street)
Tot Run, 2km stroll, 5km walk, 10km timed run
8:15 - 9:45 am registration and check-in​/package pickup
9:30 am Tot Run
10:00 am 10km timed run
10:05 am 5km walk
10:10 2km stroll begin
​11 am (onwards) entertainment, burgers and awards
$50 (13 years old + up) OR raise $125 and run for free
includes event shirt, lunch and activities
​$15 (8 -12 years old)​ OR raise $125 and run for free
includes lunch and activities.​
Free (7 years and younger)
includes lunch and activities like the Tot Run.
NOTE: On-line registration closes June 12th at midnight. On-site registration available June 15th.
Parking is available in lots along Sperling Street. Skytrain is a short walk away from the site.
Lunch is only available until noon.
Package pickup is between 8:15-9:45 on Sunday June 15th.
Kamloops, BC
Fun filled family day with walking, snacks and prizes.
BC Wildlife Park: 9077 Dallas Drive
5km Walk
9-9:30 am complimentary entry to BC Wildlife Park to check-in
10:00 am announcements​
10:15 event starts
11:00 awards.
$50 (13 years old + up) OR raise $125 and run for free​
includes event shirt, snacks and activities​
$15 (8 - 12 years old) OR raise $125 and run for free
includes, shirt, snacks and activities​
FREE (7 years and younger)
includes shirts, snacks and activities
NOTE On-line registration closes June 12th at midnight. On-site registration available June 15th.
Anywhere in Canada
​$35 (tax receipt issued for $25 of the $35 registration fee) OR raise $100 and run for free.​
Both options include t-shirt and bingo card.
Bingo Card for virtual participants
Each completed line is an entry into a draw for fabulous prizes (Deadline for submissions is midnight June 17th). You are automatically entered into competing for the Bingo Card once you register for the walk / run and the draw will take place June 18th.​​​​
Awards 2025
Top Fundraising Friends / Family Team (BC)
Top Fundraising Corporate Team (BC)
Largest Team Award (BC)
Top Fundraising Team Ontario
Top Overall Canadian Fundraising Team
Largest Support Group Team
Top Collectors Award
Raise the most money and you will be rewarded with a wonderful choice of prize packages. Cut-off date for this is Thursday, June 12th at midnight. ​